Restaurant Guide for Going Straw-Free

Thank you for taking the first step in making your restaurant ocean-friendly by re-thinking the plastic straw. Below is a quick guide to making the transition from plastic straws.

  1. The first step is to offer ‘straws available upon request.’ We know that some of your patrons may not be ocean advocates or they may have a health condition which forces them to use straws. Dip your toes in the water by serving drinks without straws. Only give out a straw if a customer specifically requests one.
    Bonus Tip: Create a tally for how many straws you are giving out weekly or monthly and use up the plastic straws you already have.

  2. Switch to paper straws. Now that you know how many straws your patrons request each month, switch your straw order to 100% USA-made paper straws. Be aware that paper straws are more expensive than plastic. However, many restaurants have saved money by switching to paper straws, because they have reduced the amount of straws they give out.
  3. Add re-usable straws to the menu.  Does your restaurant have a signature drink? Add a bamboo or glass straw and make it a #strawfree statement.

For approved restaurant vendors, we have a price guide to start on this journey. Let us know what you need; we are happy to help.


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